Earl of Chester Lodge

Monday, May 15, 2006

Welcome from the editors

Welcome to the webpage and blog for the Earl of Chester Lodge.

The Earl of Chester Lodge holds Warrant No.98 issued by the Grand Lodge of Antient Free & Accepted Masons of South Australia & Northern Territory, and was constituted in 1921.

We are a lodge of Freemasons who meet monthly on the third Tuesday of the month in the Glover Room of the Grand Lodge on North Terrace in Adelaide, South Australia.

The purpose of this webpage is to provide a repository of information for and about our Lodge. On this webpage you will be able to find anything from summons/agenda for the next meeting, important information about upcoming events (both in our lodge and other lodges), interviews with our members so that the brethen can learn about each other, to copies of lectures or speeches. Essentially, this blog can take the form of an online newsletter that can be updated whenever needed.

There is no limit to the possibilites for what we can use this for. The comments facility on each entry allows a constant conversation to take place between members, so that we aren't limited to our meetings.

This will also allow other lodges to find out what we are doing. We can link to other lodges who have webpages and thus build fraternal relationships with them. If you are from another lodge and would like us to link to your webpage, please write to the editors at the email address on the sidebar.


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